
Bossed Interview ; PrettiKitti | Ft. Strip

Strip: Hii :D
PrettiKitti: hello ^_^
Strip: Yayy im excited to interview youu
Strip: loll
PrettiKitti: loll im excited for u to ask questions :D
Strip: loll alright so let’s get startedd
Strip: To start off easy
Strip: When did you first start developing ?
PrettiKitti: 2007 lazily of course, lol
Strip: Loll. Was there a certain reason as to why you wanted to start developing ?
PrettiKitti: well, at the time i really wanted to see if i was capable to figuring out a opacity map
PrettiKitti: so i just went for it
PrettiKitti: badly
PrettiKitti: :)
Strip: Well you have certainly come a long way
PrettiKitti: thank you ^_^ thank goodness
PrettiKitti: loll
Strip: loll
Strip: What inspires you to create the items you feature in your catty ?
PrettiKitti: well, i love colors, i tend to stick to alot of japanese couture styles with a mix of what i've learned of american fashion, test people's creativity
Strip: Would you say what you create is your actual style ?
PrettiKitti: a real life style u mean?
Strip: Well imvu style 
Strip: Unless your real life style is like your imvu style too
Strip: loll
PrettiKitti: lol
PrettiKitti: well yes, i do style myself similar to my imvu, not too big difference, i tend to not wear alot of my stuff because i really appreciate alot of work others do so i tend to buy n support lol
Strip: Ooo that's so awesome
StripStrip : And speaking of other creators.
Strip: I know you just did a collaboration with starglous
Strip: Can we be expecting more collaborations anytime soon ?
PrettiKitti: well, i'm not too sure for collaborations just yet, i've been working on skins lately. but if opportunity comes for one to ask for collab i most likely give in and distract away from what i'm suppose to be doing -.-
Strip: Loll well when they do come around they are always amazing
Strip: And what is to be expected of your new skins coming out ?
PrettiKitti: thank you, uhm my skins are in slow progress i'm still learning but i've released a skin called imae in different tones, i want to do all shades for differen't toned ladies , but it will take a while for things to come along lol
PrettiKitti: i mean in different make ups*
Strip: And how do you think your skins differ from those already in the catty ?
PrettiKitti: think mines is definitely differen't shade, my characteristics differ, in freckles to beauty marks, to cleft chin to smal features not alof of skins have in the catalog, my noses are definitely one that stands out since I have odd love for nose shapes lol don't judge me
Strip: Loll no judging at all
Strip: Its great to pay close attention to details which I know you certainly do
PrettiKitti: thanks ^_^ til i'm blind
Strip: Loll
Strip: So are there any creators on imvu that you look up to or that inspire you ?
PrettiKitti: look up to no, lol i have come to admire some and inspired by very few
PrettiKitti: i rather not list names but i do pay respects to them in significant ways once in a while
Strip: Ok very understandable
Strip: So let's keep things moving loll
PrettiKitti: ^_^
Strip: I know you have your blog, but in case some don't know about it
Strip: Would you like to explain what you do on your blog ?
PrettiKitti: at first i made a blog because no one was doing it but it has definitely gotten popular, its just a matter of me keeping up with blog posts lol i lack because i'm so busy. but yeah my blog varies, from discussions, to art, rants, to fashion show updates etc, different styles i put together to give people an idea of how to put colors together.
Strip: Okk so being that this is an interview for the Bossed Demeanor blog, how do you feel about our blog and other blogs in general ?
PrettiKitti: I actually appreciate your blog, it's not like the other ones, as Envied talked to me about its for models to get spotlight they deserve and honestly that is a very generous selfless purpose, also gives developers like myself a choice to check it out and see the developing potential whenever its updated.
PrettiKitti: far as other blogs are concerned,
PrettiKitti: i've come across some well respected ones that stand out just as much
PrettiKitti: but
PrettiKitti: in very small amount
PrettiKitti: i can't say alot as i don't tend to disrespect

PrettiKitti: but i will say that people need to know the purpose of doing a blog before making one and putting nonsense on it
Strip: Very true
PrettiKitti: since so many have came up
PrettiKitti: its nothing but "competition" amonst another blog which shouldn't be
PrettiKitti: or another blog mocking the other
PrettiKitti: lack of originality period on this site , and i do appreciate the very few who actually want to make a difference :)
Strip: And that is definitely what we are trying to accomplish with our blog, orginality and creativity
Strip: But before I let you go I just wanted to ask if there was anything you would like to add that I didn't cover ?
Strip: Or if you have anything special coming up for the imvu community ?
PrettiKitti : you've been a great interviewer actually if there is anything else to ask i always answer. Far as what to look forward to i'm not sure, but i am very grateful for people who support what i am trying to do, because without people to motivate me i'd not log on to here really lol so thank you so much .to all
Strip: Well we all want you to keep doing what you are doing and bring creativity and originality to the catty 
Strip: :D
PrettiKitti: im at your service ^_^
Strip: Woo ! let me put my order in
Strip: loll
PrettiKitti: haha
PrettiKitti: ^_^
Strip: thankk you so much for your time and answering my questions
PrettiKitti: no problem
PrettiKitti: ty for the great interview ^_^
Strip: :D
Strip: hope to be seeing more of PrettiKitti
PrettiKitti: i'll try my best :D lol
Strip: loll
Strip: have a goood rest of the night
PrettiKitti: u as well love ^_^
Strip: Byee :]
PrettiKitti: ciao

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